GIF Portfolio

Stuck on what kind of GIFs to invest in for your business? Check out Mwydro’s GIF Portfolio below! For more information be sure to check out the GIFs for Businesses page.

Logo GIF

Getting started with GIFs? The first go-to has to be your company’s logo in animated GIF form! Choose from any of the animation styles below, or get in touch with your own ideas.

Looking to make your products pop? Animated Image GIFs could be just the thing for you. Suitable for all kinds of images from food and drink to jewellery to toys.

Illustrated GIFs

Not only can Mwydro support with animation, but I can also go the extra step and provide illustration services, using your brand guidelines to create characters or animate existing products.

Slogans, Words and Phrases are great picks for GIFs to make your audience take action. Whether that be by being encouraged to book, or GIFs that they can use when tagging you on their socials. These GIFs are made with your brand’s unique font, colours and styling.

Character GIF

Looking for a fun and memorable way of showcasing the people behind your business? Why not be transformed into animated GIF form in a movement of your choice. See examples below or feel free to come up with your own movement!

Holding an Object
At Work
With iPad/ Phone
Holding a Sign
Holding an Object 2
Heart Hands
Behind a Desk
Face Only
Thumbs Up
Heart Hands 2
English (UK)